Cheddar Cheese Bread with Polenta and Molasses
Here’s a different yeast bread recipe to try from the main Pastry Sampler site: Cheddar cheese bread with polenta and molasses. Enjoy! +Renee SheltonTwitter:
Making the world a little sweeter one pastry tip at at time.
Here’s a different yeast bread recipe to try from the main Pastry Sampler site: Cheddar cheese bread with polenta and molasses. Enjoy! +Renee SheltonTwitter:
Descriptions and defintions of desserts relating to the basic pie: pie and deep dish pie, tart, galette, croustade, flan, free form tart, turnovers, fried pies, tarte tatin and upside down pie, and the classic angel pie. From The Pie Family and All the Cousins: Pies, …read more
Pastry Tip Catalog up on issuu now. Pastry Sampler Pastry Tip Catalog.
Here is a run down on the ubiquitous pastry tip, and all its accoutrements, and suggested ways to use them.
Pastry Tip Styles, Sizes, and Shapes
April’s email newsletter went out. Tips on organizing your pastry space. Pastry Sampler April Newsletter
Thin Mint Brownies – Recipe Below. National Girl Scout Cookie Day. Image courtesy Girl Scouts of Orange County. Today is the day – February 8th is National Girl Scout Cookie Day. And I know that makes you smile. I have two girl scouts and …read more
October’s Pastry Sampler email newsletter was sent out. Recipe for a sweet potato pie is included. Enjoy!
The Fall Issue of Pastry Sampler Journal is available on MagCloud. Here is a preview. Pastry Sampler Journal Fall 2012 By Renee Shelton in Pastry Sampler Journal 20 pages, published 9/12/2012 Fall 2012 of Pastry Sampler Journal. In this issue: jewel-colored produce; pomegranates; quick breads; …read more