Month: December 2012

Pop.O.Licious Cake Pops by Joey & Tony Dellino

Pop.O.Licious Cake Pops by Joey & Tony Dellino

Looking for a little stocking stuffer this year for the baker in the house? Pop.O.Licious Cake Pops by Joey Dellino is the perfect book. This book is a hardback, pocket-sized cookbook packed with over 40 different cake pop creations. The spiral binding makes it easy …read more

Honey Lemon Madeleines – Recipe

Honey Lemon Madeleines – Recipe

I love madeleines. So does everyone else in the family, too, so when I make a couple of batches I use every pan I have (I have three) to keep up with demand once they are finished. What is a madeleine? It is a tiny …read more