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December Tips for Pastry Sharing

December Tips for Pastry Sharing

November fell into place and went by quickly. December usually goes by fast, too. Stretch the holidays by making each day festive for the month of December. How to accomplish that? Here are some ideas for sharing cakes, cookies, confections, and candy, all relating to …read more

Holiday Molds Giveaway Ended – Congrats to the winner!

Holiday Molds Giveaway Ended – Congrats to the winner!

Just a note to say the holiday molds giveaway has ended, the winner has been notified, and the items have been shipped off. Thanks to everyone who participated! It was fun for us as well!

Buche de Noel Throwdown

Buche de Noel Throwdown

Ever heard of a Bûche de Noël throwdown? Well, me either, but this event happening in Chicago on December 1 should be fun to attend. It’s the Cafe des Architectes Holiday Rock and Roll, hosted by Pastry Chef Patrick Fahy and Chef Greg Biggers, and goes from 6-8 pm.

Cafe des Architectes Holiday Rock & Roll

Image of Bûche de Noël courtesy Kelly Sue, Flickr, through a creative commons license.

Vegan Pie in the Sky: Great Baking Book For Everyone

Vegan Pie in the Sky: Great Baking Book For Everyone

Vegan desserts are those that are obviously meatless and completely animal free. Vegan Pie in the Sky: 75 Out-of-this-World Recipes for Pies, Tarts, Cobblers, and More provides fun and tasty desserts for any diet. Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero have teamed up again …read more

Pairing Cookies with Wine – Cookies & Corks

Pairing Cookies with Wine – Cookies & Corks

Must…try…this ! Cookies and Corks pairs wine with different sweet and savory cookies. They have a flavor for every wine, and they have special selections available for different varietals. From their Pairings Page, you’ll find different flavors geared for different wines. Examples: Parmesan Thyme cookie …read more

The First Holiday Molds Giveaway Ends November 18

The First Holiday Molds Giveaway Ends November 18

Just a reminder that the first holiday molds giveaway ends tomorrow at the end of the day! I’ll pick a winner from a random entry the next day. I’ll announce the winner the following week to give time for the winner to be contacted.

This has been fun! A second giveaway will be held the 28th of November and will be open for one week. It will be conducted via Rafflecopter and be all about Christmas candy and chocolate molds, and molds for gingerbread houses.

Thanks, and good luck!


November Pastry Sampler Newsletter

November Pastry Sampler Newsletter

November’s newsletter was sent out – and the newsletter can be viewed online.

Thanksgiving Day Pies and Desserts

Thanksgiving Day Pies and Desserts

Looking for ideas for Thanksgiving pies? Or need to brush up on pie-making? There are lots of ideas for crusts, borders, and making Thanksgiving desserts look special on Pastry Sampler. Thanksgiving Pie Ideas and Turkey Day Desserts.

Holiday Chocolate Molds Giveaway

Holiday Chocolate Molds Giveaway

Giveaway has now ended. We’ll select a random winner and announce it on the blog later. Thanks so much everyone!

Pastry Sampler has a giveaway of a set of different holiday chocolate molds that can be used throughout the year.

Value of the Giveaway: 34.00
Ends: Friday, November 18, 2011.
Random entry will be drawn on November 19th.

Included: 15 different clear chocolate molds for different holidays or events throughout the year. Items are:

  • Stars
  • Double Hearts
  • Shamrocks
  • 3-D Faceted Easter Eggs
  • Assorted Carrots
  • Assorted Easter Designs
  • U. S. Flag
  • Mushrooms
  • Assorted Leaves
  • Halloween Mint Squares
  • Jack-o-Lantern Chocopicks
  • Turkey & Pumpkins
  • Assorted Thanksgiving & Pilgrim Designs
  • Ornaments
  • Nativity Scene

Requirement: Fill out the form below, and follow this blog. Want extra entries? Follow the Pastry Sampler Facebook Page and Pastry Sampler Twitter and receive two extra entries (one for each follow or like).

Have fun and good luck!

Who is Karl Kessab? The World’s First Tea Sommelier

Who is Karl Kessab? The World’s First Tea Sommelier

Flipping through the September/October’s issue of Hotel Dining, the supplement to HOTELS and Plate magazines, I read about a tea sommelier. Tea Sommelier? We all know that traditional wine sommeliers are experts in the field of wine, so why not have a tea sommelier to assist guests in …read more