Author: ReneeShelton

Sweet Macaroons: Delectable French Confections for Every Day by Mercotte

Sweet Macaroons: Delectable French Confections for Every Day by Mercotte

Macaroons – those little sweet cookies with the hamburger-like appearance. If you’ve ever tried one, you know how tasty and addicting they are. But if you’ve ever made them, you can appreciate the work that goes into them, and savor them as they are eaten. …read more

Sleepover Cupcakes

Sleepover Cupcakes

As soon as I had seen the Slumber Party cupcakes from the book Hello, Cupcake!, I knew I’d love to make them. Unfortunately, the opportunity didn’t come up – until this weekend. My daughter had a sleepover with her cheer squad for some team building …read more

Sweet Potato Custard Pie Recipe

Sweet Potato Custard Pie Recipe

It’s that time of year again when the summoning of sweet potato pies draws near. I have a houseful of sweet potato pie lovers (except for the husband who doesn’t care for any pie with cinnamon spice) so they get to enjoy my trials, and fortunately, not too many errors in the pie experimentation department.

Here is a recipe for Sweet Potato Custard Pie that doesn’t last too long after baking. It calls for the egg yolks and whites to be separated. After the pie filling is mixed, the whites are whipped and folded into the liquid. The result is a mousse-like layer on the finished pie. Depending on how dry the sweet potatoes are, you’ll have more of a liquid or thicker batter when it is all said and done.

Sweet Potato Custard Pie

  • 3 large eggs, separated
  • 1/2 cup light browns sugar, packed
  • 1 cup mashed sweet potatoes
  • 1/4 cup melted butter, cooled
  • 12-oz. can evaporated milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 unbaked 10-inch pie crust

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Beat the egg yolks with the brown sugar. Add in the sweet potatoes, melted butter, milk, spices, and salt. In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites until stiff peaks form, then fold them into the sweet potato and milk mixture.

Pour the pie filling into an unbaked pie crust, and bake in the preheated oven for about 45 to 55 minutes, or until the center tests done, and the top is lightly browned. Cool and serve.

Fall Issue of Pastry Sampler Journal – Digital and Print

Fall Issue of Pastry Sampler Journal – Digital and Print

The Fall Issue of Pastry Sampler Journal is available on MagCloud. Here is a preview. Pastry Sampler Journal Fall 2012 By Renee Shelton in Pastry Sampler Journal 20 pages, published 9/12/2012 Fall 2012 of Pastry Sampler Journal. In this issue: jewel-colored produce; pomegranates; quick breads; …read more

Flour Water Yeast Salt: Artisan Baking Book

Flour Water Yeast Salt: Artisan Baking Book

Flour Water Salt Yeast isn’t a basic bread cookbook but rather a recipe and guide book for artisan breads. I’ve been hoping for a book like this, and Ken Forkish explains and shows in detail how to make gorgeous breads. While he uses professional terminology …read more

Candy Experiments by Loralee Leavitt

Candy Experiments by Loralee Leavitt

This isn’t a baking book per se, but it does have something related to the pastry kitchen: candy. As a mom, I know how much fun my kids enjoy experimenting and working on home science projects. Their science kits complete with microscopes, tweezers, petri dishes, and empty and prepared slides to look at things up close makes any rainy day (or day too hot to play outside) a fun one. But as someone who works with pastry, I’d love to combine the two. I found that in the book Candy Experiments by Loralee Leavitt, due out in January, 2013.

This isn’t a recipe book for candy, and while most ingredients are ‘eatable’, they are not meant or designed to be consumed. There are cautions and warnings for that throughout the book. Think of each ‘recipe’ as what it is: a science experiment.

Experiments go from really simple such as testing which candy has acid inside of it using a baking soda or cabbage indicator, or which candies have oil inside of them. The more advanced ones include how to make a Life Saver spark in the dark. Leavitt gives a pretty good description for chocolate bloom, another experiment. While most experiments can be conducted with limited adult supervision, it is necessary to ensure the younger ones don’t eat the candy experiments afterwards and to keep the experiments under control.

Candy Experiments makes a good after school or weekend science book, but also as a fun way to incorporate candy into science fair projects. If you’ve ever struggled with helping a youngster come up with an idea or narrow down the field of millions of possibilities, you’ll appreciate projects that can easily be done on the kitchen counter using their favorite candy as the main ingredients.

Book Information:

Disclosure: This eARC was provided by the publisher and any opinions are my own.

This review can be found in the Fall 2012 Issue of Pastry Sampler Journal.

Changes to the Specialty Pastry Tip Set Line Ups

Changes to the Specialty Pastry Tip Set Line Ups

There are some changes, additions, and moves to some of the Pastry Sampler pastry tip sets – in the Specialty category. They are currently in the new catalog as well as on line.   Bakery Crafts Specialty and Drop Flower Tips Set One of each …read more

Pastry Sampler Sports Molds Giveaway

Pastry Sampler Sports Molds Giveaway

With the kids into sports, I thought it would be a great time to host another giveaway. This one is for sports molds and the tools to fill them. Retail price $25.00. You’ll get six different plastic sports molds to be used with chocolate or …read more

Pastry Sampler Journal: Summer 2012

Pastry Sampler Journal: Summer 2012

Pastry Sampler Journal Summer 2012

16 pages, published 8/7/2012
Summer 2012 of Pastry Sampler Journal. In this issue: stone fruit; clafoutis; ice cream; prickly pears; vinegar pies; baking book review; star jardiniere pastry tips.Recipes include: Clafoutis aux Cerises, Peach Ice Cream (Philadelphia Style), Vanilla Ice Cream (French Style), Prickly Pear and Mango Sorbet with Rum, Vinegar Brown Sugar Tart.

Vintage Cakes by Julie Richardson

Vintage Cakes by Julie Richardson

I’ve always had a soft spot for old recipes. Thumbing through dusty piles of vintage cookbooks always brings something new to my baking and usually leads me to explore new flavor combinations or techniques. Julie Richardson brings old recipes to new life in her book …read more