Blackberry Financiers
These buttery and nutty financiers are a classic mignardise to serve after dinner, or on a pastry table. These are best served fresh. [yumprint-recipe id=’1′]
Making the world a little sweeter one pastry tip at at time.
These buttery and nutty financiers are a classic mignardise to serve after dinner, or on a pastry table. These are best served fresh. [yumprint-recipe id=’1′]
Here are two upcoming auctions from Auction 757 and Scott Freeman Auctioneers:
Last minute auction – Combo DJ Equipment and Restaurant Supply – mixed auction from different consignors. Full list of items up for auction include Vulcan ThermAir electic convection oven Heated Baker’s case on wheels Wisco cookie / toaster oven m#560B Alma Espresso/Cappuccino/Coffee machine m#ALMA Oyster …read more
I’ll admit it – I’ve always wanted to share this phrase: fortune cookie lottery winner. A woman from the Bronx won a $2 million lottery prize, earning her a $1.2 lump sum payout, from the numbers she got from a fortune cookie. I guess …read more
Betty Hallock reports from the LA Times on the resurgence of the pastry chef.
After some rough years, conditions are just right for the return of those responsible for diners’ sugargasms. The proof is in, so to speak, the pudding.,0,4872590.htmlstory#ixzz2pvJZd0Be
Great read – with profiles of 6 great pastry chefs.
Lobbying is in place by the European Cococa Association to make exempt cocoa from the new labeling that will be in place December 2014 – which would effectively eliminate the practice of mixing beans as all cocoa origins would have to be listed. While varietal chocolate …read more
I remember when cacao varietals were beginning to take foot, and then became the rage. Single origin still remains an important segment in the confectionery industry. But it appears that private labels are vying for flavor rather than origin in creating chocolate blends, Confectionery News …read more
National Coffee Day is tomorrow (September 29th). Here is a list of freebies from Hip2Save, including offers from Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks, and Peet’s Coffee and Tea.
National Coffee Day Deals and Freebies (Valid on 9/29)
There is still time to register for the International Baking Industry Exposition 2013, held October 6-9 in Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Convetion Center. Details: Full agenda of scheduled events List of demos being held Download the IBIE 2013 App to view the event schedule, create a …read more